Dr Veronica Ivy

About Dr. Ivy

Veronica has a PhD in Philosophy and has published widely on topics in philosophy, psychology, and queer/trans studies. She offers keynote speeches and tailored diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) workshops.

Veronica is also a two-time UCI Masters Track Cycling World Champion, the first openly trans world champion in her sport. She is a world-leading expert on trans and intersex women’s rights. She has advised many national and international sports organizations including the International Olympic Committee. Her mission is to support her cause that #SportIsAHumanRight.

About Dr. Ivy

I was born and raised in Victoria, BC and am a proud Canadian. I currently reside in Milton, ON where I continue to train as a professional track cyclist.

From home, I continue to offer onsite or virtual presentations and keynote addresses, as well as bespoke diversity, equity, and inclusion consultations and workshops. You can find booking information below.

My message is that #SportIsAHumanRight. That means that everyone, whether they’re cisgender, transgender, or intersex should be free to compete as they are, who they are, free from discrimination of any kind.

Dr. Veronica Ivy

Books by Veronica

Dr. Ivy is currently working on a number of book projects as well as popular and academic articles. You can find a selection of articles on the Publications page.

The Norms of Assertion: Truth, Lies, and Warrant

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Sean Paul, Director

Lectus at purus placerat bibendum auctor viverra sit volutpat semper aenean sagittis, lacinia faucibus diam aliquam.

Anthony Rodgers, Manager